This spacious home with huge backyard in a quiet street close to schools and public transport could be a wonderful new home for your family, offering:
– Three bedrooms with built-in robes to two
– L-shaped lounge with dining room
– Large family room with dining area
– Split-system air conditioner
– Bright and friendly bathroom with separate toilet
– Internal laundry
– Single lock-up carport
– Wonderfully spacious and well-maintained colorbond pergola perfect for entertaining
– Huge level and private backyard
– Pets will be considered at this property.
– The initial lease term will be for a term of between 26 and 52 weeks depending on the owner’s instructions.
– Book an inspection by clicking on BOOK AN INSPECTION TIME or EMAIL AGENT button on this page to receive an invitation by both email and SMS.
– You can obtain an application form for this property by visiting our website at
– If you are the successful applicant for this property you will be expected to pay 4 weeks rent as bond, 2 weeks rent in advance and all subsequent rental payments by direct debit from your bank account.